Server Time : 0:0
Server Status : ONLINE
Circulating Zeny : 165,377,583,191
Users Online 128
Autotrader 37

Server Information

Maximum Base Level 250
Maximum Job Level 100
Base EXP [ Levels 1~100 ] x50 EXP
[ Levels 101~150 ] x30 EXP
[ Levels 150~200 ] x20 EXP
[ Levels 200~250 ] x10 EXP
[ Levels 250~260 ] x2 EXP
[ Levels 260~275 ] x1 EXP
JOB EXP [ All Levels ] x50 JOB EXP
Normal Drop 5.00X
Equipment Drop 5.00X
MVP Drop 5.00X
Card Drop 0.01%
MVP / MINI Boss Card 0.01%
Episode 20 : Immortal
Gameguard Gepard Shield 3.0
Health Points x3
Monster Spawn x3
Max ASPD 193
Max Stats 200
Server Type Renewal with Customization
Jobs Available 4-1 | 4-2 (4th Jobs)
Party Cap 12
Party Bonus EXP +5% per party member
Bonus +100% exp for full party member
Party Level Gap 100
Guild Alliance 0
RoDex Sending Mails are Disabled
Receiving Mails from Rewards Enabled
Maximum Client per PC 2
List of Features
Normal Buff Duration (10 Minute)

Increase Agi
Imposito Manus

For 5,000 Zeny
VIP Buff Duration (10 Minute)

Increase Agi
Imposito Manus
Weapon Perfection
Adrenaline Rush
Soul Link
Full Chemical Protection

For 15,000 Zeny
Appraisal Item appraisal for 10,000 Zeny
Card Removal 1 Card Removal cost 50,000 Zeny
Reset Girl Reset Stats cost 70,000 Zeny
Reset Skill cost 70,000 Zeny
Reset Both cost 100,000 Zeny
Refine Room All NPCs related to refine is provided
Utilities Room All NPCs related to Job supplies and basic weapon are provided
MVP Treasure Box When an MVP is killed;
All members of the party dealing the highest damage will get MVP treasure box without the need to pick up from the floor.
MVP Coin When an MVP is killed;
The contributing damage are entitled to get MVP Coin, all members of the party who have "Attack" will receive MVP Coin without the need to pick up from the floor.

You can exchange 10 MVP Coin for 1 MVP Treasure Box at Community Room
Mini-Boss Treasure Box When a Mini-Boss is killed;
All members of the party dealing the highest damage will get MVP treasure box without the need to pick up from the floor.
Mini-Boss Coin When a Mini-Boss is killed;
The contributing damage are entitled to get Mini-Boss Coin, all members of the party who have "Attack" will receive Mini-Boss Coin without the need to pick up from the floor.

You can exchange 10 Mini Boss Coin for 1 MVP Treasure Box at Community Room
Frostheim Gold Coin Every 30 minute, all player get 1 Frostheim Gold Coin. You can exchange 250 Frostheim Gold Coin for a random monster card excluding MVP and Mini-Boss at Community Room

Frostheim Gold Coin is Account Bind

Card is tradeable.
Warp Portal Skill limitation A player can not cast a warp portal with in 10 cells in the vicinity of a map portal.
Teleportation Delay When a character gets hit by another player, his Fly Wing, Butterfly Wing, Teleportation skill are all disabled for 3s
Fair Zeny Trades Every time a player transfers zeny to another character (Through Trading or Vending), there will be a transaction fee that consists of 10%. (eg. 1st player gives 1M Zeny to 2nd Player, the 1st player will loose 1M Zeny, but the 2nd player will only get 900,000z after the trade)

This only applies to Zeny.
Nerfed Loots Some Loots are Nerfed for the Economy to sustain long-term
Ultimate Auto Hunts Currently Under Development
Max Zeny per Character 2,000,000,000